Thursday, October 29, 2009

A ' to do list ' for Level one * Toddlers and Preschoolers*

Hope we can finish all lapbooks end of the 2011 *wink*
who are interest try to log in:


1. 1, 2, 3, To the Zoo "Lapbook"

2. Angus Lost

3. Are You My Mother? Lapbook

4. Big Green Pocketbook, The (B4FIAR)

5. Carrot Seed, The (B4FIAR)

6. Corduroy (B4FIAR)

7. Feathers for Lunch

8. Goodnight Moon (B4FIAR)

9. Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb Lapbook

10. Hello Ocean

11. Honey Rabbit Lapbook

12. Humpty Dumpty Lapbook

13. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Lapbook

14. Jenny's Surprise Summer (B4FIAR)

15. Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear (B4FIAR)

16. Little Boy Blue Lapbook

17. Mrs. Wishy Washy Lapbook

18. My Blue Boat (B4FIAR)

19. Napping House Lapbook

20. Officer Buckle and Gloria

21. Over in the Meadow

22. Owl Babies

23. Pat-a-Cake

24. Play With Me (B4FIAR)

25. Pocket for Corduroy, A

26. Poky Little Puppy Lapbook

27. Quick as a Cricket

28. Runaway Bunny, The (B4FIAR)

29. Snowy Day, The (B4FIAR)

30. Three Little Kittens

31. Trains

32. Transportation

33. Yellow Ball

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